YesYouCan is in Coeliac Australia Magazine - March 2020 - YesYouCan United Kingdom

Gluten Free Bread

You don't have to miss out on bread just because you're gluten free

Gluten Free Pancakes

Just add water, shake, and pan fry!

Vegan Burgers

Store for up to 2 years and just pop it out when you need a quick meal!

YesYouCan is in Coeliac Australia Magazine - March 2020

YesYouCan's gluten free Red Velvet Cupcake baking mix is in Coeliac Australia Magazine March 2020 edition. The vegan, gluten free, and dairy free cupcake mix is featured as the perfect treat for all celebrations.

In this edition, Coeliac Australia focuses on March as the Coeliac Awareness Month. We support the goal to raise awareness disease and the need for it to be treated seriously.

coeliac australia yesyoucan march awareness red velvet cupcake cake gluten free vegan baking bread

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